Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Please wait after 10pm to use the bathroom...

We had another day in Saigon with massage, pedicure, manicure, PHO and early meetings at the local street kitchen. This time we were 8 people and after I mentioned my interest in a Vietnamese drivers license, 3 people were using their IPhones to get some more information on my request. Volker: Remember how they conducted the practical test while on the road to Hanoi...? Anyway - it's $40 and I am promised to do the test myself. Although a written test is mandatory, the 'sources' guarantee that I only need to show up. This will ensure me to pass the test and I will receive a totally official Vietnamese drivers license for motorbikes. I am totally up for that and after 2 more phone calls I hear that a 'social security card' is necessary. All for sudden the price for this adventure goes up to $140. We put a hold on this idea but continue checking other sources.
We are staying in for dinner - 17 people, a few cases of Heineken and enough food to feed an army later, we conclude one more day in Asia.

Back at home I learn that the water reserves are exhausted for the day. Guss we take running water for granted in the Western World... Not here. You can only pump water into the huge tank from the street after 10pm - thats why I had to wait a little longer today... with 11 people in the house it just takes a while until the water reserves are replenished....

There are so many details I would need to tell you, but it woul be way too much for this blog. I am happy!!

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