Monday, October 5, 2009


Good to know that traffic is still the same as the last time I visited Saigon. In fact I believe it got worse. Thats actually good news, because I enjoy the crazy way people and their kids, chicken and all other things which need to be taken from A to B, make their way through the often small alleys. There is not enough room for the little over 7 million people. Imagine the amount of cars - if they would have them - and the parking space needed for them. It will take a complete tear down and rebuild of most parts of the city in order to accommodate just a reasonable amount of cars. Not only because of that, but also because for the about 200% tax on cars, which makes them 3 times as expensive than in the USA, cars are really rare. Interesting to see Audi Q7, Mercedes S500 and Lexus IS making heir way through the city. Imagine how big your little piggy saver must be afford a car lie that and how long it will take to buy it with an average monthly income of $100.

I decided to buy a patriotic helmet, which is now mandatory to wear while driving the motorbike. They are coming in all colors and styles. Prefect for most female Vietnamese, who can match the helmet to their nails, clothes or bike. Volker - I was talking about you many times today. You definitely will enjoy our planned excursion on the motorbike... Saigon is perfect for that training which will be needed.


  1. seiously good writing, but most of all: a great helmet!
    I'm already dreaming up my special design...
    have fun!

  2. Hi Chris ! Thanks For taking time post updated picture and video from Your Trip in Vn. Im really enjoy watching it. Have A Njce Trip and don't forgot to post more Pics. Thanks A Lot Sir .......

  3. the video is lovely, chris. Im feeling like I was there. How can they sell the Germany helmet in vn instead of Uncle Ho helmet? :) Keep blogging, my friend, i'll be following up. Enjoy !!!
